Lot 944 - Auktion Kehrmaschine Multicar Citymaster

Remaining time
4h:50m:01s (Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 4:22:35 PM)
Initial price

1,00 EUR 0 bids

(Minimum bid 1,00 EUR)
Bid agent Fixed price bid
0,15 EUR
0,22 EUR
1,37 EUR
Shipping conditions
free pick up
No shipping home
No shipping to EU
Will NOT ship internationally
Germany, 61440
Description Download

Erstzulassung : 15.02.11 KM lt. Tacho : 50260 Farbe : weiss Gesamtgewicht : 4900 Leergewicht : 2450 Nutzlast : 2450 Länge : 4558 Breite : 1320 Höhe : 2260 PS / KW : 102 / 75 Hubraum : 1968

Lot number 944
Shipping & Payment
Shipping conditions
free pick up
No shipping home
No shipping to EU
Will NOT ship internationally

Payments accepted
prepayment - seller sends the data for bank transfer
cash on delivery
direct debit
Location: Germany, 61440

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